The new reality reflects the transition of the world into a competition for spatial influence in contrast to a competition for technological leadership.

The essence of the competition for leadership at this stage is to create a crisis-resistant, technologically and industrially self-sufficient space where national rules of the game will be ensured.

Get M.E.N.AMine M.E.N.A

National Bitcoin

Effective since 2023.


Digital cash, bank, payment system, monetary instrument


Decentralized; technically identical to the global Bitcoin


Already distributed among neighboring countries



New reserve currency
M.E.N.A Bitcoin creates a self-sufficient economic space.


Soft political power
M.E.N.A. Bitcoin gives an edge in competition with neighbours in the region.


Stabilizing alternative
M.E.N.A. Bitcoin reduces the risks of impending global upheaval.




Block Explorer
Technological base

Bitcoin Core

Number of changes.

M.E.N.A is built on the basis of a stable and time-tested protocol called Bitcoin Core, which has undergone a number of changes aimed at improving cryptographic security and a more fair distribution of rewards for finding blocks.

1] Signatures based on the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA), using the Ed25519 signature scheme.
2] The Ed25519 signature algorithm is resistant to side-channel attacks and does not require a reliable source of entropy for safe operation. Known applications of Ed25519 include OpenSSH, GnuPG, various alternatives, as well as the OpenBSD signify tool.
3] The use of SHA3-512 for generating digests when signing transactions and messages.
4] The use of SHA3-256 for generating addresses.
5] Smooth (continuously differentiable) emission curve.
6] Adaptation of emission to sudden changes in network hashrate.

About M.E.N.A build

We recommend building the binary files of M.E.N.A Bitcoin on any modern Linux x64 distribution. Instructions:

apt install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils python3

git clone

cd depends && make && cd ..


CONFIG_SITE=$PWD/depends/x86_64-/share/ ./configure --prefix=/


Instead of "platform name" replace it with the name of your platform.
For Miners

The block reward calculation algorithm

The main part of the block reward is calculated according to the formula 12.5 >> (n / 100000), where n is the number of blocks in the chain, >> denotes bit shift, and / denotes integer division. To generate a proof-of-stake block, miners must find a transaction output in their wallet that satisfies the following condition:

hash(nStakeModifier + blockFrom.nTime + txPrev.vout.hash + txPrev.vout.n + nTime) < bnTarget * nWeight
The plus sign (+) denotes concatenation of values serialized as a byte vector.

Hashable parameters:

nStakeModifier is a modifier calculated using accumulated entropy. It is designed to eliminate the possibility of calculating hashes for outputs that have not yet received enough confirmations. 
The modifier is calculated using hashes of previous block headers.
blockFrom.nTime - the time of creation of the block in which the input was confirmed. txPrev.vout.hash - the hash of the transaction in which the output was created.
txPrev.vout.n is the index of the output in the transaction referenced by txPrev.vout.hash.
The nTime is the current Unix timestamp.

These parameters are used precisely because the source of their origin is transparent and available for verification to anyone interested. For example, it is not possible to use the hash of the block or the hash of the transaction being created, as this would lead to a degeneration of the system into a proof-of-work scenario.

So, the right part of the inequality is the product of the current target (which can be calculated as the maximum target divided by the current difficulty) and the output weight. The weight is determined as the product of the output value in satoshis and its age in seconds.

Additional requirements:

The transaction must have at least 25 confirmations before it can be used for finding solutions. The output can contain P2PK, P2PKH or P2CS scripts. Any other outputs are not suitable and are ignored by the client when searching for solutions. If the miner is looking for solutions himself, the reward is divided proportionally between him and 10 randomly selected consensus participants. This is done for a more fair distribution of rewards and additional incentives to participate. Rewards found using P2CS outputs are not shared with anyone and belong entirely to the finder of the block.

In addition to proof-of-stake, a proof-of-authority mechanism is provided as a backup option.
PoA blocks are created centrally and have a fixed weight of one. The proof-of-authority mechanism is necessary in the early stages of network deployment when there are not enough users with wallets containing inputs that meet the proof-of-stake criteria. In the future, it will be possible to get rid of it. To protect network participants from abuses, in case of competition between PoA and PoS, the PoS block always wins. This happens because for PoS blocks, their staking contribution is added to the total chain work, while for PoA, a constant equal to one is added. For this reason, any PoS block can beat a chain consisting of millions of PoA blocks.
In other words, PoA is not a security provider in itself, and this role belongs entirely to the owners of coins participating in the proof-of-stake consensus.